[세미나] At the Bridge between Biology and Material BioNanotechnology
[단기강좌] 김나영교수/워털루대학교(University of Waterloo)
[워크샵] BK21 지능형반도체 혁신 인재 양성 사업단 워크샵(2024.6.26 / 대한전자공학회)
[세미나] On Principles Guiding Fundamental Research for the Good of Mankind(실리콘밸리 혁신생태계의 이해)
제8회 양자컴퓨터와 바이오헬스 포럼
[세미나] Synergy between droplet microfluidics and biosensorics: development of lab on a chip device for biochemical assays
[세미나] Continuous path toward useful quantum computing
논문 Proton-Modulated Resistive Switching in a Synapse-Like Tyrosine-Rich Peptide-Based Memristor